We help you register a C-Corp or an LLC in the world's largest economy in less than 5 working days. A physical presence or travelling to the United States is not required in incorporate a company.
Entry Options To The United States:
A business entity in the United States can be set up in many ways such as sole-proprietorships, general partnership, Corporation or an LLC, but the only entry route for Indian citizens or entities is through incorporating an LLC or a C-Corporation in the United States.
Unlike India, the laws and regulations in the United States for incorporation and management of an LLC or Corporation differ from state to state, but we help you in incorporating an LLC or a C-Corporation in the state of Delaware with 1-Year registered agent service as there are a lot of advantages of having it incorporated there compared to any other state such as low taxes, minimal maintenance fees etc.
Registered Agent:
A Registered Agent can be a business or an Individual who is designated to receive SOP when a business entity is a party in a legal action such as a summons or a lawsuit. Every Company or LLC incorporated in the state of Delaware are required to maintain a registered agent in the same state who would be responsible for processing all official mail received on behalf of the company.
A C-Corp is a legal structure for a corporation in which the shareholders or owners are taxed separately from the entity. A C-Corp can be compared with an S-Corp, LLCs and other entities which separate the company's assets from its owners but with different tax treatment and legal structures.
Limited Liability Company (LLC):
An LLC is a type of business structure in the United States wherein the owners are not personally liable for the company's debts or liabilities. LLCs are a type of hybrid entities which combines the characteristics of a corporation with those of a sole-proprietorship or partnership.
LLC or C-Corporation Incorporation
1 Year Registered Agent
Everything From the Smart Plan +
Employer Identification Number (EIN)
Everything From the Relax Plan +
1 Year Mail Handling Services
MYDBIZ is the market leader in USA Company Registration services. Before we get started with the engagement, all the required information and documents are collected. An engagement manager would be assigned who will also advice you on the type of registrations to be obtained. The average time required to complete a USA Company Registration is 6-8 working days depending on the government processing time and client document submission.
For more information, feel free to contact us at info@mydbiz.com or call us at +91 9632 993 993.
ASC Online Services Pvt. Ltd. 2024 All Rights Reserved.
Our Services ( Setting Up A Business ): Sole Proprietorship Business Registration | One Person Company Registration | Partnership Firm Registration | LLP Registration | Private Limited Company Registration | Limited Company Registration | Producer Company Registration | Section 8 Company Registration | Nidhi Company Registration | C-Corp or LLC Registration in USA
GOODS & SERVICES TAX (GST) Services: GST Registration | GST Annual Return Filing | GST Letter of Undertaking (LUT) Filing | Casual Taxable Person GST Registration | GST Registration for Non-Resident Taxable Person | GST Registration Cancellation
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